Eb3 application eligibility questionnaire to pre-evaluate chances.


EB3 application eligibility questionnaire to pre-evaluate chances.

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1 Intro
2 Requirement
3 Eligibility
4 Immigration
5 Criminal Rec.
6 Security

Dear applicant, we want to use this questionnaire to gather eligibility information about you and your family members for use with your EB3 application. Your approval or denial by the US immigration services will be based on how truthful, accurate, and factual your answers are to the questions. Your information will be verified eventually by USCIS and matched with your answers, so please be as honest as you can. Note: the money you pay for the whole process covers the service, administrative, and attorney fees. You are therefore not paying for the Green Card itself. Please note that all the information you share with us in this questionnaire or throughout the EB3 process is strictly confidential and will be used for the sole purpose of your EB3 visa application.

Instruction Please read and answer the eligibility questions below as carefully and accurately as you can.

(A.) Name as it appears on your international passport:
(B.) Gender
(J.) Do you have family members that you want to include?
(K.) You can add up to 10 family membersPlease write the names, date of birth, and relationship of each family member to you. (Note: family members are defined as members of the nuclear family - Husband, Wife, and their Children 19years and below).
Full NameDate of BirthRelationship to You
REMEMBER: Your final approval of your EB3 Visa, depends on how honest you are with answering the eligibility question
a. Are you willing to take on any unskilled job with US companies?
b. If approved, are you willing to work for at least one year with the employer who sponsored your green card?
c. Do you have the financial resources to pay for the associated costs and take care of your living expenses while in the USA?
d. Do you have relatives in the USA?
f. Are they willing to support you in this process?
REMEMBER: Your final approval of your EB3 Visa, depends on how honest you are with answering the eligibility question
1. Health Related Questions
a. Are you, your spouse, or any of your family members currently dealing with any health issues that you want to disclose to us?
Tick the health issue(s) you are dealing with from the list of diseases below:
II. Economic Resources-Related Questions
a. How do you plan to fund the EB3 process? (You would not be required to show proof of funds, but you need to have enough funds to cover the application costs and take care of yourself and your family in the USA).Tick the option that applies to you:
b. Do you, your spouse, or any of your listed family members plan to become a financial/public liability in the USA?
REMEMBER: Your final approval of your EB3 Visa, depends on how honest you are with answering the eligibility question
1. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER travelled to the United States of America?
3. Have you, your spouse or any member of your family ever been denied a US visa?
a. Select your reason for denialTick the option that best describes the reason for your VISA denial:
3. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER entered the USA and were denied entry into the USA at the port of entry (This is considered another form of deportation)?
5. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER been deported from the USA?
7. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER used another person's VISA to enter the USA?
8. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER entered the USA unlawfully?
10. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER had any previous immigration problems of any sort?
12. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER worked in the United States without an authorization?
13. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER violated the terms or conditions of your nonimmigrant status?
14. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members presently or EVER been in removal, exclusion, rescission, or deportation proceedings?
15. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER been issued a final order of exclusion, deportation, or removal?
17. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER held lawful permanent resident status which was later rescinded?
18. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER been granted voluntary departure by an immigration officer or an immigration judge but failed to depart within the allotted time?
19. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER applied for any kind of relief or protection from removal, exclusion, or deportation?
20. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER been a J non-immigrant exchange visitor who was subjected to the two-year foreign residence requirement, and violated the terms of this visa?
21. Have you or any of your family members ever stayed in the United States without proper status for over 180 days?
22. Have you or any of your family members ever left the United States voluntarily with a pending final order of removal, you are ineligible to return?
23. Have you or any of your family members ever spent one year or more in the United States illegally and try to reenter again without permission?
24. Have you or any of your family members ever failed to attend your immigration court or removal proceedings?
25. Have you or any of your family members ever engaged in smuggling or aiding smugglers?
26. Have you or any of your family members ever abused student visas?
27, Have you and any of your family members ever been an unlawful voter?
28. Have you and any of your family members ever participated in international child kidnappings or being an abductor’s relative?
REMEMBER: Your final approval of your EB3 Visa, depends on how honest you are with answering the eligibility question
a. Do you, your spouse, or any of your family members have any criminal records of any sort that might constitute grounds for denial of your EB3 applications?
c. Do you, your spouse, or any of your family members have any criminal conviction in any country?
d. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER been arrested, cited, charged, or detained for any reason by any law enforcement official (including but not limited to any U.S. immigration official or any official of the U.S. armed forces or U.S. Coast Guard)?
e. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER used a fake social security card or number, international passport, or green card?
f. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER committed a crime of any kind (even if you were not arrested, cited, charged with, or tried for that crime)?)
g. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER committed or been found guilty of acts of a felony?
h. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER pled guilty to or been convicted of a crime or offence (even if the violation was subsequently expunged or sealed by a court, or if you were granted a pardon, amnesty, a rehabilitation decree, or other act of clemency)?
i. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER been a defendant or the accused in a criminal proceeding (including pre-trial diversion, deferred prosecution, deferred adjudication, or any withheld adjudication)?
j. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER been convicted of two or more offenses (other than purely political offenses) for which the combined sentences to confinement were five years or more?
k. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER illicitly (illegally) trafficked or benefited from the trafficking of any controlled substances, such as chemicals, illegal drugs, or narcotics?
l. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER knowingly aided, abetted, assisted, conspired, or colluded in the illicit trafficking of any illegal narcotic or other controlled substances?
m. Are you, your spouse, or any of your family members the spouse, son, or daughter of a foreign national who illicitly trafficked or aided (or otherwise abetted, assisted, conspired, or colluded) in the illicit trafficking of a controlled substance, such as chemicals, illegal drugs, or narcotics and you obtained, within the last five years, any financial or another benefit from the illegal activity of your spouse or parent, although you knew or reasonably should have known that the financial or other benefit resulted from the illicit activity of your spouse or parent?
n. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER engaged in prostitution or are you coming to the United States to engage in prostitution?
o. Do you, your spouse, or any of your family members intend to engage in illegal gambling or any other form of commercialized vices, such as prostitution, bootlegging, or the sale of child pornography, while in the United States?
p. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER received any proceeds or money from prostitution?
q. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER exercised immunity (diplomatic or otherwise) to avoid being prosecuted for a criminal offense in the United States?
r. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER, while serving as a foreign government official, been responsible for or directly carried out violations of religious freedoms?
s. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER been induced by force, fraud, or coercion (or otherwise been involved in) the trafficking of persons for commercial sex acts?
t. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER trafficked a person into involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery? Trafficking includes recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.
u. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER knowingly aided, abetted, assisted, conspired, or colluded with others in trafficking persons for commercial sex acts or involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery?Trafficking includes recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.
v. Are you, your spouse, or any of your family members the spouse, son, or daughter of a foreign national who engaged in the trafficking of persons and has received or obtained, within the last five years, any financial or other benefits? from the illicit activity of your spouse or your parent, although you knew or reasonably should have known that this benefit resulted from the illicit activity of your spouse or parent.
w. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER engaged in money laundering, or have you, your spouse, or any family member EVER knowingly aided, assisted, conspired, or colluded with others in money laundering, or do you seek to enter the United States to engage in such activity?
x. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members ever engaged or aided, and abated the engagement of fraudulent activities?
y. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members ever engaged in any activities that will make you a national security risk to the USA (acts of terrorism, child trafficking, money laundering, political thuggery, etc.)?
REMEMBER: Your final approval of your EB3 Visa, depends on how honest you are with answering the eligibility question
a. Do you, your spouse, or any of your family members intend to engage in any activity that violates or evades any law relating to espionage (including spying), sabotage, or exportation of U.S. goods, technology, or sensitive information in and from the United States?
b. Do you, your spouse, or any of your family members intend to engage in any unlawful activity that could endanger the welfare, safety, or security, of the United States or have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States?
c. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER committed or belong to a group or organization that threatened to commit, attempted to commit, conspired to commit, incited, endorsed, advocated, planned, or prepared any of the following: hijacking, sabotage, kidnapping, political assassination, or use of a weapon or explosive to harm another individual or cause substantial damage to property?
d. Please explain below:Tick on any of the options below that agrees with your answer:
e. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER provided money, a thing of value, services or labor, or any other assistance or support for any of the activities described in Item Number P(c) above?
f. Are you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER received any type of military, paramilitary, weapons training assisted, or participated in any group, unit, or organization of any kind in which you or other persons used any type of weapon against any person or threatened to do so?
g. Have or any of your family members engaged, is engaging, or seeks to enter the United States to engage in an offense relating to laundering of financial instruments?
h. Are you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER worked, volunteered, or otherwise served in any prison, jail, prison camp, detention facility, labor camp, or any other situation that involved detaining persons?
i. Are you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER served in, been a member of, assisted, or participated in any military unit, paramilitary unit, police unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerilla group, militia, insurgent organization, or any other armed group?
j. Have you, your spouse, or any of your family members EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, helped with, or otherwise participated in acts involving torture or genocide?
I have read and understood the eligibility questions/criteria governing the EB3 VISA approval. I acknowledge that all my answers to the questions are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that LQES-MCC USA is not responsible for any omission of vital information either erroneously or otherwise. I acknowledge that denial due to misinformation provided in the questionnaire during application will not be the responsibility of Learning Questa Educational Services and MCC USA. By signing this eligibility application, I absolve them from this responsibility.